Friday, November 26, 2010

Is normal now abnormal?

Have you ever been to a shopping centre and taken a moment to look at the people around you? What did you see? What did the peolpe look like? Were they overweight or not? I'm willing to bet that you saw more overweight or obese people than you saw people of a "normal" weight. Is normal becoming abnormal. Is a person with a healthy looking (just because you look healthy doesn't mean you are!) body becoming the rarity?

I know body composition is only one marker of health but I think there is a worrying trend occuring. People look at others around them. They can justify the little bit of fat around their mid-section because,"Everyone else has that", or "This is just what happens when you get older", or even worse, "I'm not as fat as _____, so I must be pretty healthy"

This article is interesting and while the study they talk about relates only to women, I think most men have this same problem too. Have a read an post thoughts to comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Zane,

iv noticed the "normal" nowadays is overweight or what i'd call skinny-fat. I rarely see anyone that looks fit and strong, unless i walk into a crossfit gym :)

So i guess id say im abnormal, and thats just the way i like it.
