Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So what now?

Ok, so we are going to do this thing but what is the purpose of the blog? Well, this blog is to help you stay accountable. If you buy into this thing and decide to commit to the Whole 30 (http://whole9life.com/2010/05/whole-30-v2/) then this is where you let us know, publicly, how you are going. Starting Sunday night you will be required to post to comments your food log for the day. Simply tell us what you ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner and any snacks, and what liquids you consumed for the day. Tell us how you are feeling, any changes you have noticed in the way you look, feel and perform, any struggles you are having, any tips for others. If you have a great recipe, post it here. If you have any questions, guess what? Just post them here and I will try to answer them.

Sounds easy right? Well here is the kicker. You have to be honest! If you mess up or fall off the wagon, be honest and put it in your food log. No one is going to judge you. This is a place for supportive people (however, I do reserve the right for some tough love). In my career as teacher and coach I have found that people tend to be much more accountable if there is a public forum where others can see what they are up to. Push one and other, guide one and other, support one and other.

PS: I originally set up this blog just for my family. However, if you want to join in then please jump on board. The more people travelling on their way to awesomeness with us the better. If you're in or have any questions, just post to comments.

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