Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why part 2 - Leptin Resistance or Why am I always hungry?

Ok, so you have now had a few days to digest the information I gave you on the key players in Insulin resistance. I've given you all of the pieces and now is the time to start tieing the puzzle together.

Lets start with Leptin Resistance. If you have forgotten what Leptin is then you need to click here .

We know that grains are a very concentrated form of Carbohydrate. We know that Carbohydrates get broken down into sugars. We know that the two main sugars in our foods are Fructose and Glucose.

When we eat Fructose (which is the main sugar in fruits and is also the major component of the preservative High fructose Corn Syrup which is found in nearly all processed foods) insulin acts to transport that Fructose to the liver where it is converted to Glycogen (Fructose can only be processed in the liver.)

When we eat Glucose, Insulin acts to transport that glucose to either the Liver (again to convert to glycogen), or it is circulated for use by the Brain, Red Blood Cells, and Muscles as a fuel source. This is a wonderful system. However, the problem occurs when we consume too much Carbohydrate.

Once the liver glycogen is full, the excess glucose is converted to the Saturated Fat Palmitic Acid (see how this all ties in), This Palmitic Acid attaches to other molecules to form a Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL - We will chat more about these when I do a post on Cholesterol - They're not the best!) which is then sent out as fuel and if not used, is stored as body fat.

The problem is that these VLDL's interact with our brain and cause a decrease in Leptin sensitivity. This affects our ability to feel full. We continue to eat even though our bodies fuel stores are full. More VLDL is formed. Can you see a circle forming here. The excess Carbs in our diet keep this circle running. Making us more Leptin resistant, stopping our satiety signals, making us eat more, making us fatter.

So lets review,
  • Grains pack a potent Carb punch.
  • Excess carbs = conversion to Palmitic Acid
  • PA attaches to other molecules to form VLDL.
  • VLDL inteacts with brain = reduced sensitivity to Leptin = greater hunger.
  • Greater hunger = eat more = weight gain and all it's inherent problems.

That's probably enough for today. Take this information away and think on it. Next lesson will focus more on Insulin.

Post food log and thoughts to comments.


Bjorn said...

Hey Zane,
Loving the Blog mate. Great info presented concisely.

On a side note - get off the coffee dude!

I think I've counted about 5 reasons on your Blog (and in that fantastic video on Behaviour) as to why you should stop.

Why not be the best you can be and get of the drugs? I fell off the wagon post CF games and now I'm paying the price for it. My sleep's suffering. My inflammation is up. My mood's are less stable. I wonder what long term impact these things have on my overall performance in life, and the choices I make?

Your Blog has inspired me to get my shit back together and as of tomorrow I will be caffeine free. The headaches will suck, but I know from past detox's a good morning metcon will help get over them and the bad mood pretty quick.

Anyway mate. Great Blog. I'll be getting clients to have a read of it to help them make changes for the better.


Zane said...

Hey Bjorn, thanks for the feedback. Please feel free to jump in on any posts and add something or pull me up if I get stuff wrong. I'm loving writing the blog, it help me to consolidate the things I've learnt.

In terms of the coffee - hmmm, I'll get back to you.

Todays meals.

3 egg muffin
bowl of berries


Large Tin Tuna in Olive oil

same as yesterday (Last of my leftovers)

Post WOD Snack
2x Rafferty's Garden baby food
(60%apple, 25%sweet potato, 15% carrott - nothing else)20g of carb total.

small tin of tuna and oil.
(too much tuna today - too much fat immediately post wod -not prepared enough)

2 BBQ chicken wings I stole from Scott's chicken at the gym.

Take away after coaching at the gym:
Lamb meat

Sometime you have to get take away. a carb free pack from your local souvlaki place is a good bet. No breads, no sauces.

1 cup frozen berries.

5000iu Vit D (was not going to be able to get in the sun today.)
2 x Glutamine
1 x Maca
3 x Magnesium (1 in am, 2 in pm)

2 x black coffee (sorry Bjorn)
1 x Green Tea
1 x Earl Grey (black)

grasshopper said...

Gr8 article Zane and not too hard to digest (pardon the pun)
2 lamb chops
cauliflower mash ( left over dinner night before)

1 egg muffin
1 slice rockmelon

2 turkey patties
salad leaf & shredded red & Green cabbage, spring onion, 2 slices tomato, guacamole (?)

lemon water
Although I wasnt feeling hungry luch was probably a little light on today, was very busy and didnt really think too much about it before left home

grasshopper said...


3egg&bacon omelete/black coffee
chicken&veg(s/potato brocoli coli)
aft tea
1 avocado
3 turkey patties salad
2 black coffee
1 tea

Matt said...

Great post Zane, very helpful and easy to understand.

Chicken curry clafouti (chicken, egg, coconut cream, butter)
I forgot about the butter in this recipe.

Salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, avacado)

Lamb chops
Vegies (Pumpkin, mushroom, capsicum, brocolli, carrot)


black tea
2 x water with lime juice