Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Breakfast! Let's get the day started right.

An odd thing happens when you first introduce people to Paleo eating. When you tell them that they can no longer have their cereals, milk and toast their faces cloud over.

"Well what am I supposed to eat then?" They ask.

When you tell them that they could have some Bacon and Eggs their eyes light up. They literally can't believe it. A meal that has been taken away from them by misguided nutritionists and dieticians who fell for the whole "Ahh the cholesterol will kill you!!!" has been returned to them. They rush home and stock up on bacon, buy dozens of eggs and get down to a good old fashioned fry up.

Now the odd thing usually happens after the first week. They have now had bacon and eggs every morning and the gloss is starting to rub off. It's like groundhog day. (Note: does anyone else find it unusual that they were more than happy to eat the same cereal/bread based breakfast every single day for years on end and never got bored - if you want to know why that is, stay tuned for tomorrow's post)

Every thing gets boring if you do it over and over again repeatedly. I've been to some great parties in my time. They were great because I was only there once. If I had to go back to the same party every night I'm pretty sure that the gloss would soon rub off. I'm sure that at some stage watching Collingwood win the Grandfinal will become a little less interesting than it is at the moment.

Variety is the spice of life. Try something different. Eat your dinner/tea for breakfast (don't be one of the stupid people who thinks you can only eat certain types of food at certain times of the day. That is just plain dumb. I'm sure your paleolithic ancestors were not turning their nose up at some freshly killed beast just cause it was breakfast time and that was a meal more suited to the evening!) Cook your eggs a different way, have a fruit salad and some cold meat on the side. The choices are endless. I am your self appointed guide on this journey. However, I am not here to hold your hand. We are fortunate to live in the age of the internet. A quick google search for paleo breakfast recipes just turned up 76, 100 hits in 0.16sec. Get off your butts and do some research. Find some great recipes or ideas, try them out and then post to comments so we can all try them.

Now just before I let you go I wanted to wet your for tomorrow's post by telling you that there will be opiates involved. Shocking I know!

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

grasshopper said...

gr8 post Zane, looking forward to our next 30 days together on our 'whole 30 journey'. Have bn getting a heads up and eating 'clean' i.e. no grains, no dairy ( not even greek yogurt) for two weeks. Had fall off when I consumed a tall flat white from maccas to curb my appetite while inspecting units all day Thurs, what was interesting was that b'fast that day consisted of two lamb chops and a large tomato, a variation from my 3 egg omellete I had been having. I became very hungry during the am, thinking back I dont think I consumed enough fat to keep me satiated.